payment process

Parents, please transfer by scanning the QR code or correctly entering the account information and transfer content below:

  • Account name:
  • Ecopark School Development and Investment Joint Stock Company

  • Account number:
  • 001 100 412 1880

  • Bank:
  • Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam – Exchange

  • Content:
  • [Student ID]_[Student Name]_[Date of Birth]_[Details of fees paid]
    For example: E2032001_Le Trung Anh_August 16, 2014_Non-level 9/2022

  • Each transfer is only for 1 student. In case of paying tuition fees for 2 children, please transfer the amount in 2 times.
  • The content of the transfer should be written in the correct syntax to ensure the accuracy of the student's debt. In case the syntax or content of the transfer information is incorrect, the School is not responsible.

PHHS please pay tuition fees at the Cashier Department - 1st Floor, Building A at the following times:

  • Monday to Friday: From 08h00 to 16h30
  • Saturday: From 08:00 to 11:30.
  • Phone: 024.7309.3939 (Branch No. 2)
  • Email:

The school would like to thank and look forward to receiving your cooperation!

Do you need support?